e-Health: perspective and reality
PÉREZ GÁLVEZ, J.F.,e-Health: perspective and reality Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2017, 334 páginas
E-health" is a collective work which, under the direction of Prof. Juan Francisco Pérez Gálvez, brilliantly approaches the subject matter under study. This book is presented as the culmination of a long trajectory of research by the different authors in the field of health, both from the of the different authors in the field of health, both in the legal and regulatory framework, as well as the relationship with health personnel. The opening of different research perspectives allows for an exhaustive analysis from a general scope of e-health, but also sectoral analysis of the different areas that make it up. With the purpose of elucidating the legal regulation of e-health, the work is structured in nine chapters which, programmatically resolve the different dilemmas presented by the subject, that the subject matter presents.