Mechanisms available to public bodies to guarantee adequate protection of the privacy of those administered in emergency situations




personal data, GDPR, public administrations, legitimacy bases


This study offers a systematic, exhaustive and updated investigation of the declaration of the state of alarm and the processing of personal data relating to the health of citizens affected and/or potentially affected by the exceptional situation resulting from COVID-19. Specifically, it analyses the distinction between the state of alarm and the states of exception and siege and the possible effect on the fundamental right to the protection of personal data in exceptional health crisis situations and the effects that this declaration may have on the applicable regulations, issued, at a Community level, by the General Data Protection Regulation and, at a national level, as a complement and development of the same, in the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Ayuso, J. F. (2021). Mechanisms available to public bodies to guarantee adequate protection of the privacy of those administered in emergency situations. Revista Andaluza De Administración Pública, (109), 269–262.

