Law 7/2021, of december 1, which promote the sustainability of the Andalusian Territory
Rustic land, urban land, ordinary and extraordinary actions, urban transformation, urban development actionsAbstract
The present work is a partial study of the Andalusian Law 7/2021, of December 1, which promote the sustainability of the Andalusian territory. It focuses on the types of soil and the actions that are authorized on it, with special attention, as it could not be otherwise, in the actions of urban transformation. ç
In relation to these matters, this law supposes an important change in relation to the Law, the LOUA, since on the one hand it suppresses as a type of land, the developable land, therefore, these are established exclusively according to their nature. Secondly, following the line initiated by the Land Law of 2007, it turns the urban duties and charges on the transformation action and, not, as in the previous legislation on the owner of the land.
In rustic land, the new category of preserved land is novel, it is an intermediate category between protected land and common land, as well as the attempt to classify the actions in it as ordinary, extraordinary and urban transformation.
In urban land, the actions are classified as urban planning and urban transformation. The distinction between one and the other is found, as we will see, in the intensity or breadth of the operation.
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