Aesop and Andalusian urbanism: comment on the ruling of the Constitutional Court 25/2024, of February 13, about the LISTA




urban planning law of Andalusia, unconstitutionality appeal, ruling 25/2024, land uses, treatment of rural land, in homes on rural land, livestock trails, mining uses, constitutionality of the law


In December 2021, Law 7/2021 (LISTA) was published. In it, new regulatory criteria were adopted for the regulation of urban planning and territorial planning in that autonomous community. One of the main bets focused on the original land classification proposal, which very significantly affected the possibilities of using rural land. They were bold and disruptive proposals with respect to the traditional status quo. This rule was the subject of an unconstitutionality appeal that was resolved by ruling of the Constitutional Court 25/2024, of February 13, which is the object of our analysis. The result of his diagnosis has been the confirmation of the constitutional accommodation of practically all of the challenged precepts, with certain exceptions related to the authorizing regime of mining uses on rural land, the treatment of livestock trails affected by urban transformation processes and the prohibition of certain homes on rural land that were linked to extraordinary uses on that type of land. The rest has been confirmed in its constitutionality by the aforementioned ruling. The added legal security that this entails for Andalusian urban planning is the most significant consequence of this constitutional resolution.


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How to Cite

Martín Valdivia, S. M. (2024). Aesop and Andalusian urbanism: comment on the ruling of the Constitutional Court 25/2024, of February 13, about the LISTA. Revista Andaluza De Administración Pública, (117), 229–271.

