The Doctrine Of the Council of State on technical standards




Technical regulations, Technical standards, harmonised European standards, European Standardisation Organisations, official publication, normative publicity, rule-making power, Council of State, supreme consultative body


The author analyses the doctrine of the Supreme Advisory Body of the Government on technical standards. In this context, it focuses, firstly, on the threefold distinction between technical regulations, technical standards and harmonised European technical standards; secondly, it studies the position of the Council of State on the official publication of technical standards; thirdly, it examines the position of the High Consultative Body on the legal source necessary for the modification of references to technical standards contained in a Royal Decree; and, fourthly, it reflects on the differences in references through a regulation to mandatory technical standards, on the one hand, and to voluntary technical standards, on the other hand.


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How to Cite

Álvarez García, V. (2025). The Doctrine Of the Council of State on technical standards. Revista Andaluza De Administración Pública, (118), 55–75.

