Non-Contractual liability in cases of joint actions between EU agencies and Member States




Frontex, Non-contractual Liability, Return, Migrants, Human Rights


The judgment of the EGC of 6 September 2023, WS et al. v. Frontex, concerns an action for non-contractual liability brought against the Frontex Agency by members of a Syrian family who were transferred to Turkey from Greece in a Return Operation coordinated by the Agency. WS et al. v. Frontex was not only the first opportunity for the GC to clarify Frontex's liability regime for human rights violations in the operations it coordinates. The case provided an ideal juncture to address the problems posed by the increasingly frequent mixed enforcement of European Union Law. However, the decision of the GC has considerably disappointed expectations. Not so much because of the sense of the ruling, which was dismissed, but rather because of the argumentative approach employed by the court. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the judgment of the GC in a well-founded manner and to try to remedy the shortcomings it suffers from regarding the submission of the European Union Agencies to EU law when they act jointly with a Member State.


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How to Cite

Acosta Penco, T. (2025). Non-Contractual liability in cases of joint actions between EU agencies and Member States. Revista Andaluza De Administración Pública, (118), 117–163.

