Once again, the territorial organization of Andalusia questioned by a popular consultation
regarding the Supreme Court ruling of September 25, 2023
local autonomy, local popular consultation, territorial organisation, administrative silenceAbstract
Once again, in Andalusia, the territorial model is being questioned. Algeciras had already done so in 1998, when it promoted the holding of a popular consultation for the conversion of the Municipality and its surrounding area into a ninth Andalusian province, and recently, in 2022, La Línea de la Concepción, which intended to hold a popular consultation to become an Autonomous Community. This paper analyses the Judgment of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of 25 September 2023 (appeal 1013/2022), with Pablo María Lucas Murillo de la Cueva as Rapporteur, which rejects the contentious-administrative appeal lodged by La Línea de la Concepción, confirming the refusal of the Council of Ministers to hold the referendum. This case raises questions of interest relating to the requirements for popular consultations under article 71 LBRL and the application of the regime of positive administrative silence.
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