The Ombudsman and the Andalusian Ombudsman in front of the Environmental Policies

ÁVILA RODRÍGUEZ, Carmen María: El Defensor del Pueblo y el Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz ante las Políticas Ambientales. Preface by Ángel Sánchez Blanco. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2007.




The work has the objetive to be a legal contribution by way of reflection to the role played in Spain by the figure of the Ombudsman, both at state and regional level. The Ombudsman, whose root was the Ombudsman (of Swedish origin), in line with the provisions in article 54 of the Spanish Constitution comes to assume a instrument of defense of the fundamental rights of the individuals, designated for it by the General Courts like his High Commissioner. This Research work is of utmost importance at the legal-administrative level in addition to the social level, since as is clear in the 1978 Constitution, it is am entity designated by Parliament to exercise control on public administration. This entity provides an additional guarantee of the rights of individuals, regardless of legal proceedings (slower and stricter).


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How to Cite

Jáimez Gago, M. I. (2008). The Ombudsman and the Andalusian Ombudsman in front of the Environmental Policies: ÁVILA RODRÍGUEZ, Carmen María: El Defensor del Pueblo y el Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz ante las Políticas Ambientales. Preface by Ángel Sánchez Blanco. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2007. Revista Andaluza De Administración Pública, (71-72), 653–659.

