The objective cassation interest in the new contentious-administrative cassation appeal
Especially the case of contradictory jurisprudence
Appeal, Target casational interest, Contentious-administrative Litigation, contentious-administrative Jurisdiction, contradictory jurisprudenceAbstract
Two years after the entry into force of the new contentious-administrative cassation appeal, the Supreme Court is issuing the first resolutions that are contributing to shed light on the most critical issues of the new cassation model.
This is what happens with what is the keystone of the reform: the objective casational interest.
In relation to this issue, the Admission Section, through the admission orders, is interpreting and clarifying different particularities of the cases included in Article 88 of the LJCA.
This paper discusses some aspects related to the interpretation that the first autos of admission contains on the cases of objective casational interest, with special consideration of the case of article 88.2.a), on contradictory jurisprudence.