Budget and basis of the repercussion by the State to the Autonomous Communities of the responsibility for breach of Community Law

Sentence 1000/2016 of the Spanish Supreme Court , Administrative Litigation Chamber, Section Third, of May 6, 2016. Speaker: Espín Templado.


  • Jesús Jiménez López Chief Legal Officer of the Junta de Andalucía




The Cassation Appeal analyzes the relevance that for the appeal and the procedure must have the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (24 of June 2015, issued in Case C-263 / 13P), which estimated the appeal brought by the Kingdom of Spain against the previous Judgment (General Court) of February 26, 2013. This Judgment annuls various resolutions of the Commission European relative to reduction of aid as a result of its financial control, among them, the decision C (2009) 9270 final, of November 30, 2009, by which the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) granted to the Operational Program "Andalusia" are reduced -corresponding to Objective 1 (1994-1999)-. This Commission decision resulted in the State Resolution subject to this procedure.


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How to Cite

Jiménez López, J. (2016). Budget and basis of the repercussion by the State to the Autonomous Communities of the responsibility for breach of Community Law: Sentence 1000/2016 of the Spanish Supreme Court , Administrative Litigation Chamber, Section Third, of May 6, 2016. Speaker: Espín Templado. Revista Andaluza De Administración Pública, (94), 153–158. https://doi.org/10.46735/raap.n94.759

