Spanish-Portuguese legal studies of network services (energy, telecommunications and transport) and its incidence in protected natural areas
GONZÁLEZ RÍOS (Dir.), ALENZA GARCÍA, ÁLVAREZ GONZÁ- LEZ, ARAGÃO, ARANA GARCÍA, ÁVILA RODRÍGUEZ, AYLLÓN DÍAZGONZÁLEZ, BONAFÉ, CONDE ANTEQUERA, COSTA GONÇALVES, GALÁN VIOQUE, GONÇALVES MONIZ, LÓPEZ GARCÍA, LÓPEZ SAKO, MELLADO RUÍZ, SOUVIRÓN MORENILLA, TAVARES DA SILVA, TORRES LÓPEZ, ZAMORA ROSELLÓ, Estudios jurídicos hispano-lusos de los servicios en red (energía, telecomunicaciones y transportes) y su incidencia en los espacios naturales protegidos, Dykinson, 2015, 613 pages.
This collective work presents the results of the compared study between the Portuguese and Spanish Law, of the regulation of the services and infrastructure of the sectors under analysis, always with the community reference on the horizon and paying special attention to the regulatory reforms and jurisprudence caused by the application of its legal regime.
It is structured in four parts, being the energy the bulk of the work; this sector, together with transport and telecommunications, are analyzed from a legal point of view and paying special attention to how the liberalization of these sectors is compatible with the environmental protection.